Our Warranty
Though many of the base resins that Freelin-Wade uses comply with various FDA, NSF and other regulations, Freelin-Wade encourages user testing, especially for manufacturers of products and/or devices used in food, drug and biological applications as regulations and criteria for certification of these products and/or devices vary widely. The responsibility for determining the validity and suitability of use of a Freelin-Wade product in any product or device application is that of the user. We will gladly provide samples for user testing.
This warranty is limited to replacement of the product or an account credit in the amount of the original selling price, at the option of Freelin-Wade Company. All product presumed to be defective must be returned by prepaid transportation to Freelin-Wade Company, together with information describing the product’s performance. All returns require prior authorization by Freelin-Wade Company. All specifications are subject to change without notice. While accuracy is thought reliable, no guarantee is expressed or implied. Responsibility for validity in final applications remains that of the user. Freelin-Wade encourages user testing. We will gladly provide samples from our standard line for testing purposes.
Contact us for more information.